Sunday, July 5, 2009

T For Two (GCQD6T)

On Sunday, we went to Mom and Dad's to let the boys play on the gator and just enjoy the beautiful weather. We played at their house for a while and then we went with them to visit my Grandparents. They had some apple trees for the boys at there house and Dad had to go pick them up.

We met up at a little shop, The Olympic Bakery and Deli, for lunch. They have great sandwiches and ice cream. While there we were talking with the owner and somehow we got on the topic of Geocaching, surprisingly he knew exactly what it was. In fact, he told us there was one right outside on his property. CloquallumGuy had asked to put the cache at his bakery a few years ago.

So of course we had to find it. I must say I love my iPhone for just this reason. Dad's and Grandpa's GPSr might be more accurate but for on the spot geocaching does anything beat the iPhone App?

After lunch we went looking for the cache. The name of the cache, T for Two, is referring to the two seater model T car in front of the bakery. We looked high and low with no luck, we found some remnant that could have been related to a cache so we thought it might have been muggled. We decided to call it muggled and go get some ice cream. While getting our ice cream the own came out and asked us if we found it. We told him where we thought is was suppose to be and that we thought it might have been taken. He assured us it was there and gave us a little hint on the size. If it was there we were going to find it, so back out we went.

He description of the size much smaller then what I thinking now I was thinking more a magnetic hide a key size / type cache. We looked again and within a few minutes we found it. It wasn't a hide a key but I was close. It was an Altoids can with a magnetic glued inside.

I am glad we found it but either way the best part was just having a good lunch with the family.



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